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March Events in South London


sort set by the Sussex Downs National Park.

The 2025 Guide to Events & Festivals this month


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The Month of March
Spring arrives in March traditionally on the 20th of March. Meteorologists and climatologists consider the 1st of March the beginning of spring.
March (Martius in Roman Calendar) is derived from Mars the god of war as March was the beginning of the season for warfare. 
Flower of month: Primrose (Primula vulgars). Its flowering signifies Spring. This very persistent wild and garden perennial blooms again the following year.


1st Saint David’s Day
Saint David is the patron saint of Wales. He founded a Celtic monastic community on the western headland of Pembrokeshire n the Sixth Century.. Daffodils or leeks are pinned on clothes on Saint David's Day. Wales celebrates with eisteddfodau in every school, with primary pupils wearing their national costume and daffodils.
Little Welsh Company online for Welsh themed gifts & food.

Stanley Arts Events
1: Cherrystars Performing Arts
1: Arcadia: Seeds of Change. Giant puppet
8: Family Disco
15: Croydon Whisky Festival
28: Stanley Sessions music evening
30: Comedy Club 4 Kids Sun 12.00-13:00
More March Events

3-9: The National Butchers Week
Support your local butcher week. The National Butchers Week focuses on independent butchers in the UK. For a full list of independent Butchers in London by post code see our Traditional Butchers Directory


6th World Book Day is a charity event held annually in UK on the first Thursday in March. On World Book Day, every child in full-time education in the UK is given a voucher to be spent on books; the event was first celebrated in the United Kingdom in 1998. World Book Day is sponsored by National Book Tokens. For your nearest independent book shop see South London Bookshops.

12-15: Affordable Art Fair (Battersea)
Established in 1999 the Affordable Art Fair  now has up to 115 galleries exhibiting under one roof. The Fair has affordable contemporary art from £100 - £5,000. All the family are welcome - we have a host of free activities, from informal talks to artist-led hands-on workshops, kids activity packs, and there's even a free creche.

17th St Patrick’s Day                               
St Patrick is one of the patron saints of Ireland. He is said to have died on March 17 in or around the year 493. He grew up in Roman Britain, but was captured by Irish raiders and taken to Ireland as a slave when he was a young adult. After some years he returned to his family and entered the church, like his father and grandfather before him. He later returned to Ireland as a missionary and worked in the north and west of the country. Luke Wadding, a Franciscan scholar born in 1588, was influential in ensuring that the anniversary of St Patrick's death became a feast day in the Catholic Church. Celebrate St Patrick’s Day and all things Irish at these Bars & Pubs

20th Spring equinox                                    
The spring, or vernal, equinox marks the point in space and time when the sun moves across the celestial equator, an imaginary circle projected into the sky above the real equator . We recommend the following hotels for an Away break

29-23/4: Telegraph Hill Festival
New Cross/SE14 festival of arts.  Shows, concerts, DJs, dance offs, open studios and art shows, interactive exhibits, talks, theatre, classes, workshops and more.

30 British Summertime begins
Daylight Saving Time was introduced by the Summer Time Act of 1916. Clocks are turned forward 1 hour


30: Mother’s Day 
Mothering Sunday was originally a time when people returned to the church, in which they attended when they were children. This meant that families were reunited as adults returned to the towns and villages where they grew up. In time, it became customary for young people, who were working as servants, to be given a holiday on Mothering Sunday. They could use this day to visit their own mother and take a gift of food or clothing to her. Today people continue to visit their mother and take gifts. Celebrate Mother’s Day at these restaurants, We recommend these local florists Southwark

Foods In Season: Spring Onions
Onions have been used as a foodstuff since prehistoric times and were cultivated by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. References to spring onions occur in Chinese literature dating back over two thousand years, Spring onions are simply white onions harvested at a young age. They belong to the same family as garlic, leeks, shallots and chives. The smallest, thinnest onions are the youngest and best. Choose onions with straight leaves and white bulbs.   

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