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December Events in South London




December Events in South London

Month of December
December got its name from the Latin word for ten - decem. It was originally the last month of the year in the Roman calendar (which began in March and had only 10 months).
Flower of month: Narcissus

Dec-Jan Pantomime 
Our online guide to this year’s pantos
Churchill Theatre, Bromley
Greenwich Theatre
New Wimbledon Theatre
Richmond Theatre
The Old Vic
A History of Pantomime
5th Christmas Tree
Since 1947 the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree has been an annual token of gratitude by the city of Oslo to the people of Britain as a thank you for British support of Norway during WW2. The 60 foot tree lighting ceremony in Trafalgar Square takes place on the first Thursday in December. The ceremony, led by the Lord Mayor of Westminster, has a band and choir then the lighting of the tree

 tbc: Pexmas Festive Market, SE15
Festive fun with a massive market, street food, choirs and more. You know the score by now – Tis the season to shop, meet local designers, foodies and singalong to some jingling bells, so come down. It’s free entry and a whole lot of merrily mulled madness      

tbc: Pullens Yards Winter Open Studios, SE17
The three Pullens Yards – Clements Yard, Iliffe Yard & Peacock Yard – join forces to open their workshop & studio doors to welcome visitors  to this Winter’s Open Studios Weekend . join in the festive fun, gifts, food & drink, musical entertainment and the usual fine display of the myriad talents housed in these fine Victorian workshops

21st  Winter Solstice
The times when the Sun is at its furthest from the celestial equator are called the summer and winter solstices and these occur in mid-summer and mid-winter. The world 'solstice' derives from the Latin solstitium meaning 'Sun stands still' because the apparent movement of the Sun's path north or south stops before changing direction


25th Christmas Day
For a selection of hotels and restaurants open for Day lunch click here


31st New Years Eve
See the New Year in on the River Thames with Golden Tours

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