Queens Arcade (est. 1882)
10 Queens Road
TN34 1PA map
Buses: 31, 98, 99, 100, 101, 322, 323
Rail station: Hastings (7 mins)
Parking: Priory Shopping Centre (24 hours)
Owners: Undisclosed (previously Went Tree Charity 2027-2021)
Early example of a covered shopping arcade.
Listed in 2022

Rainbows (est. Oct 2024)
7 Queens Arcade
TN34 1PA map
07594 307 635
Owners: Alison and Simon Nicholls
Retro sweets
The Story
The original Rainbows closed in 2023. The business has been acquired by the new owners. A friendly service is guaranteed.
Open from 10:00.
Thai In Town
6 Queens Arcade
TN34 1PA
Owner: Nathapon Wongtreenatrkoon
The Story
Home cooked Thai Takeaway.
Home delivery: Just Eat
Seating outside (no tables)
Open: from 10:30 (closed Sundays)

Sugar Plum (est. Sept. 2023)
8 Queens Arcade
TN34 1PA
01424 316 348
Owners: Katy & Paul
Products: Brownie and Blondie Specialists.
Cookies. Cup cakes. Muffins.
Birthday, & wedding cakes
Open: Tues-Sat from 10:30

Coastal Cocoa (est. 2019)
14-16 Queens Arcade
TN34 1PA
01424 563 046
Owner: James Bridger
The Story
Products: chocolate truffles, filled chocolates etc - handmade by James at home from Belgian chocolate.
Coffee: Pedron
Open: Tues-Sat 10:30-16:00
coastalcocoa.co.uk |
Natural Skin Care Deli (est. March 2020)
12 Queens Arcade,
TN34 1PA
07717 751 777
Owner: Sue Mitchell
The Story
naturalskincaredeli.co.uk |
1882 Queens Avenue Arcade opened in Hastings town centre for Ben Harry Went Tree (1844-1927). It consisted of 16 shops and an assembly room. Designed by Philip Tree (1848-1922) and Charles Val Hunter & built by F Cruttenden. More info
1924 Scottish engineer John Logie Baird worked above a shop at Queens Arcade when he was working on the invention of television. More info
1927 Arcade owner Mayor of Hastings Alderman Went Tree died. Arcade put into a Trust, with the objectives of distributing any proceeds of the rentals paid by shopkeepers in the Arcade for two causes: acquisitions by the local Hastings Museum, and support to persons from the town seeking to emigrate to Commonwealth countries
2021 Arcade auctioned off by Went Tree trust to a private bidder for £461,000. More info
2022 Queens Arcade listed Grade II. More info |
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