Herne Hill
London, SE24
Buses: 3, 37, 8, 68, 196, 368
Rail: Herne Hill
Park: Brockwell Park (opposite)
Norwood Road has a lively selection of shops facing the Park..
Media: Times Online review
Olley’s (Est 199*)
65-67 Norwood Road, 020 8671 8259
Owner: Harry
Olley’s famous fish restaurant as reviewed in Time Out and Hardens. The restaurant is styled in homage to the early C19 fish & chip shops.Opposite to Brockwell Park
More info
Saray (est. 2016)
21-23 Norwood Road
020 8671 3772
They say: We aim to recreate Turkish food as it is found in Turkey, right here in the heart of London
Saray is designed as a wooden Ottoman house.
Open : 7 days a week
sarayhernehill.co.uk |
Park’s Edge (est. Sept 2017)
49-51 Norwood Road
020 8761 0306
Cuisine: Modern British with Indian & West Indian fusions.
Chef: Alex Fofana
parksedgebarandkitchen.com |
Brixton Cake Shop
53-59 Norwood Road
SE24 9AA
07931 395 395
Owner: Ktis
Opened in 2014.
South London's Biggest Cake Shop.
Branch: Brixton
brixtoncakeshop.com |
Jelly Tots Cafe (est. Sept 2014)
27-29 Norwood Road
07568 516919
Open Mon - Sat
Jelly Tots Cafe provides a safe, fun and enjoyable environment for both parent and child. Relax in our cafe area while your child explores and makes friends.

Steves Cafe
71 Norwood Road
SE24 9AA
020 8674 7625
Traditional cafe.
Home Delivery
Open: 7 days a week 06:30 - 16:00
Boki’s Hair (est 1995)
61 Norwood Road,
SE24 9AA
020 8678 6646
Owner: Boki
Open: Mon-Sat
Boki began his career in the West End.
bokishair.com |
Norwood Vets
10 Norwood Road
SE24 9BH
020 8671 3421
Owner: Ellie (since 2000)
Open: Mon - Fri & Sat am
norwoodrdveterinary.co.uk |
71 Steve’s Cafe
75 Restaurant to let
81 Slique Spa
83 Bicyclenation |
New in Herne Hill
Herne Hill Bars
Herne Hill Food Shops
Herne Hill Restaurants
Herne Hill Shops
Herne Hill Fitness
Herne Hill Guide
Herne Hill History
Herne Hill Information
Herne Hill Property
Half Moon Lane
Railton Road |